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make apple pie

This site provides you with the information about make apple pie, free make apple pie making guide, make apple pie recipes, make barbecue sauces methods, learn how to make delicious apple pie tips, apple pie making techniques, making apple pie secrets, ways to properly make apple pie recipe, proper make apple pie basics, apple pie making tutorials, apple pie making steps, and more.

An apple pie is a fruit pie (or tart) in which the principal filling ingredient is apples (Cooking Apples). It is sometimes served with whipped cream on top of it. Pastry is generally used top-and-bottom, making a double-crust pie, the upper crust of which may be a disk shaped crust or a pastry lattice woven of strips; exceptions are deep-dish apple pie with a top crust only, and open-face Tarte Tatin.

Cooking apples (culinary apples, colloquially cookers), such as the Bramley or Granny Smith, are crisp and acidic. The fruit for the pie can be fresh, canned, or reconstituted from dried apples. This affects the final texture, and the length of cooking time required; whether it has an effect on the flavour of the pie is a matter of opinion. Dried or preserved apples were originally substituted only at times when fresh fruit was unavailable.

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