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This site provides you with the information about cook corn, free cook corn cooking guide, cook corn recipes, cook corn methods, learn how to cook delicious corn tips, corn cooking techniques, cooking corn secrets, ways to properly cook corn recipe, proper cook corn basics, corn cooking tutorials, corn cooking steps, and more.

How to Cook Corn

Corn on the cob, the essence of summer. But corn's also great cut off the cob and saut¨¦ed. Make sure you buy your corn unhusked for optimum freshness. Here are a few easy steps to help you prepare fresh corn.

Step1: Husk the corn and remove the silk.

Step2: Boil corn on the cob for 5 minutes in briskly boiling salted water.

Step3: Alternatively, cut corn off the cob using a sharp knife. Cut deep enough that you get almost the whole kernel, but not so deep that you get any of the pocket the kernel grows in. You will probably get some corn scattered over your kitchen, but persevere.

Step4: Use the back of your knife to scrape the cob, and cook the scrapings, too; they're tasty.

Step5: Saut¨¦ fresh cut corn in butter over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes, or until tender.

Step6: Grill corn by removing the silk, but not the husk; soak the husked cobs in water for an hour, then grill for 30 to 40 minutes, turning occasionally.

Step7: Try corn with lime juice and salt, or with butter mixed with red chili powder.

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