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cook crab

This site provides you with the information about cook crab, free cooking crab guide, cook crab recipes, cook crab methods, learn how to cook delicious crab tips, cooking crab techniques, cook crab secrets, ways to properly cook crab recipe, proper cook crab basics, cooking crab tutorials, cooking crab steps, and more.

How to cook crab

Tradition, and desire for the crab meat to be as fresh and tasty as possible, demands that we cook crab alive.

Just as with lobsters, although there is no actual proof that crustaceans feel pain, many of us will blanch at the idea of cooking the creatures alive.

The most humane way of cooking live crab is to lull the crab into a state of unconsciousness prior to cooking.

To cook crab, prepare a brine, again as with lobster - it should be as salty as sea water, and bobbing an egg in it will show you when it's salty enough (the egg will float).

When the brine is at a boil, put the crab(s) in and cook for 15 minutes for the first 500g (1 lb 2 oz), plus 10 minutes for every subsequent 500g (1 lb 2 oz).

When the time is up, lift out the crab(s) and leave to cool before handling.

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